Partner Performance

Monitor Partner Performance

ROI, Pipeline and Performance Dashboards

Understanding, monitoring and tracking reseller pipeline is a critical component of any partner management system. Deal registration is the cornerstone of that, but tracking deals through the entire sales cycle and weighting the pipeline is also critical. EcoSoft 5.0™ includes several advanced analytics dashboards, providing you both macro and detail level analysis.

Access Analytics That Go Beyond Deals

Tracking deal registrations is critical to partner management but your relationship with resellers is more than just deal registrations. To get a complete picture of the ROI for a reseller you also need to track MDF, Co-op, and Deal Incentives / Rebates. With that information, you can accurately understand for each partner the investment you have made and the return you have received.

Who Are Your Top 20% (and bottom 20%)

Knowing your top performers is very important to the success of your reseller program. They understand your product, communicate its value proposition well and have a track record of closing deals. They have implemented best practices that you can leverage more widely. On the other hand, knowing the bottom performers is helpful too. Pruning them from your reseller program allows you to focus your efforts on improving the mid-tier performers. EcoSoft 5.0™ gives you real-time performance analytics tools so that you can rank your resellers in a variety of ways and identify the top and bottom-performers.